Call for nominations for Fellows of the ESN

Election of Fellow of the Society is accorded to General Members in recognition of outstanding contributions to the science of Nematology or distinguished service in promoting the Objectives of the Society. 

The call for nominations for Fellows of the ESN to be elected in 2024 is now open.

Nominations for Fellow of the Society may be made by any member.  All nominations must be accompanied by a written statement outlining the professional achievements of the nominee and giving reasons for the proposed election.

All nominations must be supported by two other members. Nominations in a given year maybe considered for the next successive rounds of nomination.

For the current election, the deadline has passed.  The selection of Fellows will be made by a committee appointed by the Governing Board which will inform the membership of its decision at the General Meeting in Cordoba, Spain.


Current ESN Fellows

1986: Maurice Ritter

1990: Julia Meridith

1994: David Hooper, Pieter Loof

1996: Burt Endo, Juan Heyns

1998: Nigel Hague

2000: August Coomans

2002: Virginia Ferris, David Trudgill

2004: John Webster, Roger Cook, Maria Susana Santos

2006: Richard Sikora, Antoine Dalmasso

2008: Roland Perry

2010: Maurice Moens

2014: David Chitwood

2016: Godelieve Gheysen, Wilfrida Decraemer, James Baldwin

2018: Isabel Abrantes

2022: Danny Coyne & Pierre Abad